Prayer Request

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and entreaty with thanks let your requests be made known to God. (Philippians 4:6)

Prayer changes things, and sustained prayer by a number of people more so. A group of people at Parkdale Church of Christ have agreed to work together in prayer for our area. You can pray yourself, of course; but if you would like us to pray for you, please let us know. If you do not want the situation named, just request general prayer. We will pray about your situation every day for a month, without identifying you, so your privacy will be respected. 

You can use the form below, or simply write out your prayer request, place it in an envelope and drop it the letterbox at the front of the church premises, or post it to Prayer Requests, Parkdale Church of Christ, 176 Como Parade West, Parkdale, Vic 3195

If you use email or this form, please be aware that these do not provide a secure or guaranteed method of transmission. For confidential matters please use paper, or call us on (03) 9580 1445. We will endeavour to respond to your message in a timely fashion, bearing holidays and other events in mind. 

© Parkdale Church of Christ 2012-18 — A community of faith, hope and compassion.